Student Wellbeing
Wellbeing is defined as the development of the capabilities necessary to thrive, contribute and respond positively to the challenges and opportunities of life.
(FISO 2.0)
At Apollo we support student wellbeing by:
creating a safe and inclusive environment
providing a range of opportunities for students to feel connected to their peers, school and community
engaging students in learning and helping them experience progress
our staff are committed to the welfare of students and their families and work in partnership to build strong relationships
Making Connections
Making lasting connections with our community is something we strive for and continually look for ways to engage families and friends of Apollo Parkways Primary School: These connections include:
Transition visits with kinders and secondary schools
An annual Art Show that celebrates our visual arts program and the work of our creative students
A range of community events including Prep Welcome picnic, graduation, recognition of special days, weekly assemblies, Trivia Nights, Information evenings, working bees, sub-committees, A night on the Green and the list continues…..
Wellbeing Counselor
A student wellbeing program aims to support the emotional, and social wellbeing of students and broader school community by providing Pastoral care services with individuals or group settings. Pastoral care is the support and encouragement of the individual needs; providing spiritual, social and emotional inspiration that will enhance well being care.
Lunch Clubs and Programs
Lunch Clubs and Programs provide an opportunity for all of our students, especially those who may feel overwhelmed in the yard or who may require more structured and supported play experiences. The students attend and build connections with other staff and students in our community.
Gardening Club
Chess Club
Art Club
Friendship Club
Karaoke Club
Music Club
Lego Club
Walk & Talk
Buddy Program
The Buddy Program at Apollo Parkways both enhances and supports the transition to primary school for our Prep students while promoting leadership skills for our Grade 6’s. The Grade 6 students support their Prep buddies both inside and outside of the classroom by being a role model, introducing our school values and are a friend that can guide their buddies through the beginning of their primary school journey.
Be You
Be You promotes mental health and wellbeing, from the early years to 18, and offers educators and learning communities evidence-based online professional learning, complemented by a range of tools and resources to turn learning into action. Be You empowers educators, helping them to develop valuable mental health skills and knowledge, while also providing an effective model for implementing a whole-learning community approach to mental health and wellbeing. At Apollo Parkways Primary School our Team Leaders are working through the professional learning modules under the guidance of our Be You consultant. The Team Leaders discuss student and staff wellbeing regularly and work together to promote positive mental health initiatives throughout the cohorts. Be You provide a range of resources for the community which will be included regularly in our school newsletter.
Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR)
The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Program (RRRR) is an ongoing initiative run for our students. From when they commence their time at Apollo Parkways Primary School in Prep, right through to Grade 6, they will cover the RRRR program.
Each cohort reviews the RRRR modules and incorporates the most relevant activities of the program into their teaching and learning sequence. These activities aim to address student wellbeing and foster a positive sense of self and community inclusiveness.
Students in Prep to Grade 4 were involved in the Ryse Above program paired with a Tech-Gether parent seminar. These sessions addressed the impacts of communicating with strangers online, as well as the conflicts that may arise in friendship circles.
Walk and Talk Experiences
At Apollo Parkways, we know that connectedness with others, being active, spending time in our local community are all important to a students’ wellbeing and contributes to a positive school culture.
Walk and Talk Experiences provide a wonderful opportunity to build connectivity between students and help develop your students’ conversational skills and self-confidence, whilst enhancing their wellbeing.
Roar (Personal Safety Education)
Roar’s personal safety and child abuse prevention programs are age and stage appropriate and suitable for children from the age of three. Personal Safety education is vital, as one in five children will experience sexual abuse before their 18th birthday (Pereda, et, al 2009) with the most vulnerable being between 3-8 years of age.
Educating children, parents, teachers, educators and other individuals in the community with an evidence based, early intervention program, significantly reduces a child’s vulnerability to all forms of abuse, including family violence. We believe that a three-way partnership between school, home and the community is the most effective way to deliver a consistent message about Personal Safety 4 Kids.
National Day of Action
The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Program (RRRR) is an ongoing initiative run for our students. From when they commence their time at Apollo Parkways Primary School in Prep, right through to Grade 6, they will cover the RRRR program.
Each cohort reviews the RRRR modules and incorporates the most relevant activities of the program into their teaching and learning sequence. These activities aim to address student wellbeing and foster a positive sense of self and community inclusiveness.
C.U.S.T (Cultural Understanding & Safety Training)
Koorie Engagement Support Officers KESOs are area based professionals who are members of the local Aboriginal community with an understanding of Aboriginal culture and the history of their community. Apollo has undertaken C.U.S.T (Cultural Understanding an Safety Training) with the school’s KESOs. This professional Learning looked at culturally inclusive learning environments and how we can support educational engagement and improve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.