Enrol now for 2025
Enrolments are now open for 2026
TERM 3 - Launch into Prep Sessions
Welcome to Apollo’s Classroom Experiences.
Our classroom experiences will be held from week 6 until week 9 in Term 3. In the program enrolled future preps visit the school for an hour in a prep classroom. The classroom experience gives us the opportunity to work with your child and get to know them individually. By doing this we begin building relationships and your child and they build strong ties with our school.
During the classroom experience the children will work on activities that cover listening, writing, cutting, singing and playing games with other children.
Parents are welcome to stay at the school during the classroom experience, we ask that parents use the staffroom as a meeting point to talk with other new parents.
Children will be invited to attend at least one of the Classroom Experiences in Term 3. This experience is highly recommended for your child. Look out for the email!
TERM 4 - Lift Off into Prep Sessions
We are excited to announce the dates for our Lift Off program which will begin in Term 4. All our Lift Off sessions begin at 9.15am and conclude at 10.30am. The dates for the sessions are:
• To be advised
All enrolled prep children must attend the sessions during this time. The Lift Off sessions gives the teachers an opportunity to further work with your child and get to know them individually before forming the grades for the next year. By doing this we can identify their needs both emotionally and educationally and pair with a teacher and group of students that suit their needs. We also look at friendships both within the program and at Kindergartenbefore making grades.
Children will be invited to all the Lift Off sessions in Term 4. Look out for the email!

Meet Apollo Bear
Recently Apollo Bear appeared on the Apollo Parkways Primary School Facebook page. He is to be a regular on the enrolment page as he moves throughout the school grounds finding a different hiding spot each week.
Can you find Apollo Bear?
I’ve hidden myself in different parts of the school, do you think you can find me? Click on the images below to enlarge.
Can you find me in the Stadium?
Can you find me in the library?
Can you find me in the playground?
Ready to Enrol?
1. Getting Started
Check your local schools on the Find my School website
Students residing in this zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address. If you are not in our zone we'll do our best to accommodate your family.
Call the office to book a tour and/or to collect an enrolment pack. We are open 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday. You can also access the forms by clicking the links under the Enrolment Forms section.
We welcome your enrolment.
Latest Tour dates (9.30am-10.30am):
- April - 1st, 24th, 30th
☎ PH: (03) 9433 1300
Take a virtual Tour of the school. Click the Virtual Tours button > > >
2. Enrolment Forms
Enrolment application will require information such as:
names and addresses of the child and parents or guardians
home and work phone numbers
name and phone numbers of emergency contact persons
doctor's name and phone number
health and welfare information about your child.
At the time of enrolment we will also require a copy of:
evidence of date of birth/birth certificate
Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register
3. Submit!
Ready to enrol?
Post or hand deliver your form to:
Apollo Parkways Primary School, Civic Drive, Greensborough, Vic. 3088
Starting school is part of a child's long term progression from dependence to independence. You have been preparing your child for school in many ways. What your child learns at school will build on the skills and knowledge you have already helped your child to learn. We hope our information and Prep Launch Program will assist you and your child to make a smooth and happy transition to school life at Apollo Parkways Primary School.
Children enjoy starting school if they are already showing confidence in some basic aspects of their physical, emotional, social and intellectual development. At school your child will build on the skills and knowledge that you have helped develop. Your child's preschool teacher will be able to assist when making decisions about school readiness.
To enrol in a Victorian government school, children must be at least five years of age by the 30th of April in the year they start school.