Grade 6 Film Fest 2024

The following films were created by 6M, 6T, 6P and 6H students.

A Clean Getaway.

Donuts & Duty.

Here Comes My Mum.

Royal Flush.

Through The Lens.

Bearly Saved.

Elf Swiper.

Lights Out.

Spring Into Action.

When The Katz Away.



Mini Maestros.

That Socks.

Where’s My Marker.

Burnt Edges.


Practice Makes Perfect.

The Sweet Tooth Stealers.

Best Storyboard

Donuts & Duty.

Best Editing

Here Comes My Mum.

Best Cinematography

Royal Flush.

Best Sound

Donuts & Duty.

Best Overall

Donuts & Duty.

Best Constumes/Props

Through The Lens.

Best Digital Effects

Burnt Edges.