Parent Resources
Uniform Shop
The onsite uniform shop at our school has now closed.
Our current supplier, Spartan School World, are now selling our uniform direct to the public. They offer a number of purchasing options: Instore, Online and Click and Collect. They are located at 87 Main Road, Lower Plenty.
Sparton School World - Information
Sparton Online Orders - Click the link below:
Out Of School Hours Care
Apollo has a popular Out of School Hours Care Program. Both the Before and After School programs providing a wonderful service to both parents and children. Our experienced operators organise and supervise children into the myriad of activities on offer.
Cybersafety Resources
School apps
Qkr! Payment
The Qkr! app is available for families at Apollo Parkways Primary School. Qkr! by MasterCard can be downloaded for free from Apple's app store or from Google Play.
The following items can be paid on Qkr!:
Out of School Hours Care
Canteen - ordering and payment
Compass School Manager
Apollo Parkways utilises the Compass School Manager package which helps to streamline information between the school and families. This package is currently being used in many of our local primary and secondary schools.
Click here to view the Compass Parent Guide. For further information, view the notices sent home or contact the office.
The DET has created a series of guides for parents to support them with their child’s literacy and numeracy learning at home. The fun, inexpensive, accessible and practical activities can be completed with your child at home. This resource also provides questions you can ask your child to help them learn. These literacy and numeracy activities are excellent opportunities for you to model key learning values such as enthusiasm, persistence and curiosity.
The guides below are divided into activities for two age groups: Birth to Grade 2 and Grade 3 to Grade 6.