Apollo’s Sunflowers 🌻

We hope your sunflower seeds are loving the sunshine lately and we’d love to see their progress!

Last term, we sent out sunflower seeds to every family at Apollo. We have been working on some beautiful new areas around our school and would love to plant these magnificent sunflowers when we get back onsite. We are posting progress shots, sent in by Apollo families and staff members on our school Facebook page (in the stories section) and would love to have your input! We will also be updating this page with photos we receive so that our students don’t miss out on seeing the wonderful updates 🌻

The Harrison Family 🌻

The Harrison Family 🌻

Miss Clark’s sunflowers 🌻

Miss Clark’s sunflowers 🌻

Mrs Leahy’s sunflowers 🌻

Mrs Leahy’s sunflowers 🌻

Sunflowers from the Sprouls 🌻

Sunflowers from the Sprouls 🌻

The Everest Family 🌻

The Everest Family 🌻

Miss O’Connell’s sunflowers 🌻

Miss O’Connell’s sunflowers 🌻

To send in a photo of your child/ren planting, watering or simply enjoying your sunflowers/seeds, please send them in directly through Facebook messages or email us at apollo.parkways.ps@education.vic.gov.au

The Patten Family’s sunflowers 🌻

The Patten Family’s sunflowers 🌻

The Wee family’s sunflowers 🌻

The Wee family’s sunflowers 🌻

The Lemke’s sunflowers 🌻

The Lemke’s sunflowers 🌻

Some more sunflowers from 2M 🌻

Some more sunflowers from 2M 🌻

Miss Harvey’s sunflowers 🌻

Miss Harvey’s sunflowers 🌻

The Fitzgerald’s sunflowers 🌻

The Fitzgerald’s sunflowers 🌻

From the Kilburn Family 🌻

From the Kilburn Family 🌻

The Singh’s sunflowers 🌻

The Singh’s sunflowers 🌻


Helping your child return to school in the COVID-19 era


Interrelate Family Evening