Italian Language Program
At Apollo Parkways Primary School, students acquire knowledge about the culture of Italy and develop communication skills in Italian.
Students in Foundation to Grade 2 develop their understanding of the Italian Culture through learning about famous Italian landmarks, food, festivals, the geographical makeup of the land and important historical events.
Students in Grades 3 to 6 develop skills in reading, writing, listening to and speaking the Italian language. They complete tasks that require them to communicate in Italian. Students focus on understanding the relationship between language and culture and develop intercultural capabilities, whilst understanding themselves as communicators.
Every second year the whole school participates in Italian Week. This is a celebration of the language and the culture, where all things Italian are showcased. The culminating event is the Italian parade that sees our whole school dress up as something representative of Italy. Many other exciting events and activities are planned throughout the week highlighting the importance of learning another language.
Grade 4 Italian - Take Home Story